products description

A triangular silver hurricane

歷史產品 Historical product

三角形的銀色炫風 A triangular silver hurricane
A Triangle and Silver hurricane in 1988, Rower and Large Stepper were very popular. King I designed this outstanding and triangle monitor, BC964, according to the characteristics of Rower and Large Stepper. And, 
it was the first time to use the silver plastic material. It was also the representative model to fitness equipment. The cumulative orders have reached 600,000 sets.
1984 年,室內健身器材盛行划船器與大型踏步機,金儀依照其使用特性創造出獨特的三角形健身車錶 BC964,並第一次使用銀色塑膠料,也成為類似健身器材的代表形狀,約產出60萬組。