products description
Exclusive Sale of Ski Machine Monitor
歷史產品 Historical product
獨家專賣滑雪器錶 Exclusive Sale of Ski Machine Monitor
The Sole Manufacture of Monitor for Ski Machine in 1993, a meeting between King I and U.S. Nordic Track created one of the peck sales.
Several models were designed for the extinguished Ski Machine. One of the models, BC 5061 NT, could represent the best. It has the cumulative order of about 700,000 sets.
1993 年金儀與美國 Nordic Track 的一場會談,開創了金儀另一高峰。獨特的室內滑雪練習機,金儀共同研發了數款專用錶,其中以BC5061NT 最具代表,約已出貨7萬組。