First hand-made sample
歷史產品 Historical product
金儀電子錶的第一個手工樣品 King I’s first hand-made sample of exercise monitor.
1984, which is the year without enough support, an old carver lived in San Yij was chosen to make the sample in order to complete the first design of electronic computer.
1984, which is the year without enough support, an old carver lived in San Yij was chosen to make the sample in order to complete the first design of electronic computer.
Look at the nice work done who would think of that the advanced technology, 3D printer, could replace the 20 days carving job with only a few hours?
1984 年,為了完成第一款電子錶,在資源匱乏的年代,選擇了三義木雕老師傅來打造此原型樣品,仔細看看那精巧的雕工,哪能想到科學發達的今日,只需傳送檔案給3D雷射成型機,數小時即可完成老師傅20天的刻工。